11/02/2024 Fall Clean Up Day Time: 9 - 12pm Besides yourself, please bring rakes, clippers, gloves, etc.
11/03/2024 Coming Together Sunday Potluck Time: right after 10am service Please bring your favorite dish or dessert to share! Sign up sheet will be in the church soon!
11/05/2024 Election Day Spaghetti Dinner 5-8pm No cost. Donations will be accepted for the Historic Restoration Project. Take out available! Right down the road from the polling place!
11/09/2024: Adult Craft Night with Christina $40 per person Please see Heather MacDougall for details
11/10/2024 Festival of Trees Schenectady Historical Society Help make ornaments for Christ Church's tree after church with Christina
11/17/2024: Family Craft Time with Christina immediately following the 10:00am service Please let Heather MacDougall or Deacon Debbie know if your family is coming